
Super-fast Core Web Vitals website with Opayo RESTful subscriptions 2021

An eCommerce website for a long-term client with this being the third generation of design over the last 15 years.

Gryffindor Ltd. is a management consultancy specialising in HR help - this website offers a subscription service to data, forms, reports and assistance.

The website uses the latest in-page 'RESTful' payments integration from Opayo that fully integrates the card transaction onto the page. Most low-cost payment processors take your client to a payment portal, breaking the trust-link to your own site. The payment system automatically takes repeat subscriptions over annual or monthly terms without any effort from our client. When a payment card expires, the website automatically emails the client to request a new payment.

The website is, of course, responsive and mobile-friendly, with a bespoke CMS that is safe and extremely easy for all staff to use.

It's more important than ever to achieve high-performing "Core Web Vitals" on all metrics in Google's "lighthouse" test-suite for optimising search-engine performance. This site achieves the rare goal of a 100% performance score - something you'll not see from an off the shelf CMS such as Wordpress or Wix!