
BW Bookkeeping | Responsive single-page website design 2019

Jen runs a small local business near Luton Bedfordshire providing a range of bookkeeping, management and administrative services to other small businesss throughout the Home Counties and Buckinghamshire.

There are many different aspects to Jen's work, but the amount of information available to describe each of them is limited. It isn't good practise to provide web-pages with only a tiny amount of content; search-engines aren't keen because they are unpopular with users who find it a nuisance to click through many pages for little return.

We decided a single-page website would be most effective on showcasing the company's services while being fast and easy to use.

As always, the website is responsive and mobile-friendly, also cutting out a few design features that would just take up space on a phone screen. We always test new websites on both a standards-testing website and using Google's own "lighthouse" test-suite. There's also a secure editing facility for Jen to amend the text on the page whenever changes to her business require.

We were very pleased (but not surprised) to hear from Jen that an independant internet marketing agency with which she'd done a media course had commented how fast the website was and how well it performed. All iCatching websites are bespoke and written directly in HTML and PHP – we don't use CMS such as Wordpresss which tend to create painfully slow websites. The results of the Lighthouse test are shown in the set of photos above.